Sabtu, 19 September 2015

Is My Dream Not Important??

For some reasons I never satisfied with who am I. I ever heard that people is a creature that never satisfied with everything they had. I acknowledge that almost people never satisfied with what they have. But I'm not satisfied with my self because I never can't tell everyone about my dream, my favorite thing and also my feeling. 

Why am I always disappointed all people around me, even though I always do what they said to me. Even until now I never done what I really want to do. I think maybe my family thought that I'm still too young to choose my collage before, but at that time I was 16 years old and I think I grown up enough to know what my dream or my future goal. 

I think make sense that my parents didn't want me to go art school/art institute in college because formal education is important for them. 

but now, I am a graduated of Engineering School and now I'm 25 years old but my life is still under control of my parents. I didn't hate my parents but I just wanted an independent life like when I'm in college. I really enjoy my freedom, I've done what I love and also meeting many great friends. I really missed those days. 

Now, I'm just an 25 years old girl that can see the world from Internet connection at home. Even when I meet up with my friend near home I always got a call from home that ask when did I get home. 

I basically feel locked up. I just want my freedom back, even I live just enough to eat and must be frugal with things. But I feel happy at that time and even make me thing to reach my dream as soon as possible.

I just want to ask to my parents this 3 question :

1. is my opinion about my life are not important?

2. is my dream not important to achieve?

3. is what ever I ever said are just wind blows that never heard?

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